
mellow オーナー
Manna Takemura


・Reiki レベル1




South Metropolitan TAFEのクラスメイト
Thai Traditional Massage / Reiki Level 1
Diploma of Remedial Massage







Cocokara 腸セラピースクール












Manna, Owner of Mellow – Specialist Gut Therapy Salon
A highly frequented gut therapy and oil massage salon located just 5 minutes by foot from Nagoya Station. With a 7-year career as a therapist abroad and over 8,000 treatments to her credit, Manna offers high-level skills that even professionals acknowledge. Her popular services are sought after by women seeking support for unexplained health issues. Manna is also an anatomy enthusiast.


Australian National Qualification in Remedial Massage
Japanese Gut Therapy Association Certified Gut Therapist
Traditional Thai Massage
Reiki Level 1


Inspiration to Become a Therapist:
My interest in massage began during a working holiday in Australia. I have always loved both receiving and giving massages, so I thought it would be a great opportunity to challenge myself in this field.

Before I knew it, I became fascinated with the wonders of human anatomy and wanted to learn more. This led me to pursue qualifications in Traditional Thai Massage, Remedial Massage, and Reiki.

Learning various techniques and applying the most precise ones tailored to each client is incredibly enjoyable and gives me a great sense of purpose.


Here's the English translation for the narrative about your encounter with gut therapy:

Encounter with Gut Therapy:
In 2022, as COVID-19 started to subside, I set out to open a clinic in Australia. However, just a month after leaving, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and urgently hospitalized. I returned home almost without any luggage.

As her treatment began, time flew by while I helped with her medical visits and caregiving. Before I knew it, I found myself feeling listless, unable to muster the strength to do anything.

I longed to return to Australia, but as that hope seemed unlikely to be fulfilled, I was close to losing heart. It was then that a friend from Australia told me, "Manna, no matter where you are, you're still Manna," reigniting my motivation!

Encouraged by a friend who had been with me through the tough times, I decided, "Let's acquire more skills and open a salon in Japan! The dream of opening a salon can happen anywhere!" It was during this time that I stumbled upon Cocokara's gut therapy.


Cocokara: The Popular Salon Famous for Being Fully Booked

Cocokara gut therapy is a treatment that gently touches the abdomen to balance both body and mind. It is not just about kneading hardened intestines like typical gut massages; it incorporates unique approaches and techniques into its original method.

I was astonished from the first session:

My face appeared slimmer
My neck seemed longer
My shoulder tension was relieved
Breathing became easier
My skin looked clearer
Back acne that nothing else could cure began to disappear (starting about two weeks later)
I was honestly amazed. Despite hearing that the effects gradually manifest, the improvement was significant after just one session. The power of internal organs is formidable. I was also impressed by the therapist’s expertise and wealth of knowledge.


Here's an English translation for your personal journey and aspirations as a therapist:

Desire to Treat Women Suffering from Unexplained Maladies

Ever since high school, I struggled with severe acne. I tried every product imaginable and, of course, frequented dermatologists. There were times when I resorted to expensive cosmetics and foundations just to cover it up.

As an adult, I was particularly troubled by back acne. Despite my best efforts, it only worsened. I even underwent gut flora tests and improved my diet, but to no effect.

The only thing that made a difference was Cocokara's gut therapy.

Now, as a therapist who has experienced various massages and treatments, I am confident in delivering truly impactful services to my clients. Standing on this new stage as a gut therapist, I look forward to helping my clients as a Gut × Remedial Therapist.